Loading & Transforming Clothing Reviews Text Data with AWS

In this project we will explore text reviews for clothing products using tools from the cloud data science service AWS Sagemaker to load and visualise the data and to gain key insights from it.

Pranath Fernando


February 3, 2023

1 Introduction

In this project we will ingest and transform a customer product reviews dataset using AWS (Amazon Web Services) cloud services. We will then use AWS data stack services such as AWS Glue and Amazon Athena for ingesting and querying the dataset. Finally we will use AWS Data Wrangler to analyze the dataset and plot some visuals extracting insights.

This exploration could be useful for a range of tasks, including creating a sentiment analysis text classification model - which is something we will explore in future articles.

2 AWS & Cloud Services for Data Science

2.1 Why use the Cloud for Data Science ?

Data Science can be performed in a range of devices and environments, from local machines and laptops, to dedicated server centers, to cloud services such as AWS or Azure Databricks.

Why would you want to use cloud services for Data Science?

  • Local machines or server centers have limited resources as they are specific machines and the only ones you have, which have limited computing power, disk space and memory which could make certain tasks and problems unfeasible to solve
  • Cloud services allow the storage of any amount of data
  • Cloud services allow you to scale up e.g. increase the processing or memory capacity of the machines you use in minutes
  • Cloud services allow you to scale out e.g. increase the number of machines you are able to use for a task
  • Cloud services provide a large range of data science tools already installed and maintained
  • Cloud services provide a flexible deployment platform for any products you develop, with a capacity able to scale with demand
  • Cloud services provide a more cost efficient and flexible solution for many tasks, you generally only pay for what you use and can increase or decrease options and capacity easily either by choice or even automatically based on need or demand

2.2 Using AWS for Cloud Data Science

AWS offers a range of different services that can help at different stages of the machine learning development cycle.

In this article we will be demonstrating how we can use AWS for the Ingesting and Analysing stage, so we will be using the following services:

  • Amazon S3: A simple storage service
  • AWS Glue: An ETL service that helps prepare, extract and load data
  • Amazon Athena: An interactive query service that uses SQL
  • Amazon Sagemaker: A cloud machine learning service

3 Ingest and transform Dataset

The dataset we will use is the Women’s Clothing Reviews a public dataset available on kaggle.

It is shared in a public Amazon S3 bucket, and is available as a comma-separated value (CSV) text format:


3.1 List the dataset files in the public S3 bucket

The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a unified tool to manage AWS services. With just one tool, you can control multiple AWS services from the command line and automate them through scripts. We will use it to list the dataset files.

aws s3 ls [bucket_name] is a function lists all objects in the S3 bucket. Let’s use it to view the reviews data files in CSV format.

!aws s3 ls s3://dlai-practical-data-science/data/raw/womens_clothing_ecommerce_reviews.csv
2021-04-30 02:21:06    8457214 womens_clothing_ecommerce_reviews.csv

3.2 Copy the data locally to the notebook

aws s3 cp [bucket_name/file_name] [file_name] is a function that copies the file from the S3 bucket into the local environment or into another S3 bucket. Let’s use it to copy the file with the dataset locally.

!aws s3 cp s3://dlai-practical-data-science/data/raw/womens_clothing_ecommerce_reviews.csv ./womens_clothing_ecommerce_reviews.csv
download: s3://dlai-practical-data-science/data/raw/womens_clothing_ecommerce_reviews.csv to ./womens_clothing_ecommerce_reviews.csv

Now we will use Pandas to load and preview the data.

import pandas as pd
import csv

df = pd.read_csv('./womens_clothing_ecommerce_reviews.csv',

(23486, 10)
Clothing ID Age Title Review Text Rating Recommended IND Positive Feedback Count Division Name Department Name Class Name
0 847 33 Cute, crisp shirt If this product was in petite i would get the... 4 1 2 General Tops Blouses
1 1080 34 NaN Love this dress! it's sooo pretty. i happene... 5 1 4 General Dresses Dresses
2 1077 60 Some major design flaws I had such high hopes for this dress and reall... 3 0 0 General Dresses Dresses
3 1049 50 My favorite buy! I love love love this jumpsuit. it's fun fl... 5 1 0 General Petite Bottoms Pants
4 847 47 Flattering shirt This shirt is very flattering to all due to th... 5 1 6 General Tops Blouses
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
23481 1104 34 Great dress for many occasions I was very happy to snag this dress at such a ... 5 1 0 General Petite Dresses Dresses
23482 862 48 Wish it was made of cotton It reminds me of maternity clothes. soft stre... 3 1 0 General Petite Tops Knits
23483 1104 31 Cute, but see through This fit well but the top was very see throug... 3 0 1 General Petite Dresses Dresses
23484 1084 28 Very cute dress, perfect for summer parties an... I bought this dress for a wedding i have this ... 3 1 2 General Dresses Dresses
23485 1104 52 Please make more like this one! This dress in a lovely platinum is feminine an... 5 1 22 General Petite Dresses Dresses

23486 rows × 10 columns

3.3 Transform the data

To simplify the task, we will transform the data into a comma-separated value (CSV) file that contains only a review_body, product_category, and sentiment derived from the original data.

df_transformed = df.rename(columns={'Review Text': 'review_body',
                                    'Rating': 'star_rating',
                                    'Class Name': 'product_category'})
df_transformed.drop(columns=['Clothing ID', 'Age', 'Title', 'Recommended IND', 'Positive Feedback Count', 'Division Name', 'Department Name'],


(22628, 3)

Now lets convert the star_rating into the sentiment (positive, neutral, negative), which later on we could use for a text classification model.

def to_sentiment(star_rating):
    if star_rating in {1, 2}: # negative
        return -1 
    if star_rating == 3:      # neutral
        return 0
    if star_rating in {4, 5}: # positive
        return 1

# transform star_rating into the sentiment
df_transformed['sentiment'] = df_transformed['star_rating'].apply(lambda star_rating: 

# drop the star rating column

# remove reviews for product_categories with < 10 reviews
df_transformed = df_transformed.groupby('product_category').filter(lambda reviews : len(reviews) > 10)[['sentiment', 'review_body', 'product_category']]

(22626, 3)
# preview the results
sentiment review_body product_category
0 1 If this product was in petite i would get the... Blouses
1 1 Love this dress! it's sooo pretty. i happene... Dresses
2 0 I had such high hopes for this dress and reall... Dresses
3 1 I love love love this jumpsuit. it's fun fl... Pants
4 1 This shirt is very flattering to all due to th... Blouses
... ... ... ...
23481 1 I was very happy to snag this dress at such a ... Dresses
23482 0 It reminds me of maternity clothes. soft stre... Knits
23483 0 This fit well but the top was very see throug... Dresses
23484 0 I bought this dress for a wedding i have this ... Dresses
23485 1 This dress in a lovely platinum is feminine an... Dresses

22626 rows × 3 columns

3.4 Write the data to a CSV file

!head -n 5 ./womens_clothing_ecommerce_reviews_transformed.csv
1,If this product was in petite  i would get the petite. the regular is a little long on me but a tailor can do a simple fix on that.     fits nicely! i'm 5'4  130lb and pregnant so i bough t medium to grow into.     the tie can be front or back so provides for some nice flexibility on form fitting.,Blouses
1,"Love this dress!  it's sooo pretty.  i happened to find it in a store  and i'm glad i did bc i never would have ordered it online bc it's petite.  i bought a petite and am 5'8"".  i love the length on me- hits just a little below the knee.  would definitely be a true midi on someone who is truly petite.",Dresses
0,I had such high hopes for this dress and really wanted it to work for me. i initially ordered the petite small (my usual size) but i found this to be outrageously small. so small in fact that i could not zip it up! i reordered it in petite medium  which was just ok. overall  the top half was comfortable and fit nicely  but the bottom half had a very tight under layer and several somewhat cheap (net) over layers. imo  a major design flaw was the net over layer sewn directly into the zipper - it c,Dresses
1,I love  love  love this jumpsuit. it's fun  flirty  and fabulous! every time i wear it  i get nothing but great compliments!,Pants

4 Register the public dataset for querying and visualizing

We will now register the public dataset into an S3-backed database table so we can query and visualize our dataset at scale.

4.1 Register S3 dataset files as a table for querying

Before we can use Amazon Athena to query our data, we first need to get our data ‘registered’ so we can do this.

Let’s import some key modules.

boto3 is the AWS SDK for Python to create, configure, and manage AWS services, such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). The SDK provides an object-oriented API as well as low-level access to AWS services.

sagemaker is the SageMaker Python SDK which provides several high-level abstractions for working with the Amazon SageMaker.

import boto3
import sagemaker
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import botocore

config = botocore.config.Config(user_agent_extra='dlai-pds/c1/w1')

# low-level service client of the boto3 session
sm = boto3.client(service_name='sagemaker', 

sess = sagemaker.Session(sagemaker_client=sm)                         

bucket = sess.default_bucket()
role = sagemaker.get_execution_role()
region = sess.boto_region_name
account_id = sess.account_id

print('S3 Bucket: {}'.format(bucket))
print('Region: {}'.format(region))
print('Account ID: {}'.format(account_id))
S3 Bucket: sagemaker-us-east-1-634231958143
Region: us-east-1
Account ID: <bound method Session.account_id of <sagemaker.session.Session object at 0x7f987cf24490>>

Lets now copy the file into the S3 bucket.

!aws s3 cp ./womens_clothing_ecommerce_reviews_transformed.csv s3://$bucket/data/transformed/womens_clothing_ecommerce_reviews_transformed.csv
upload: ./womens_clothing_ecommerce_reviews_transformed.csv to s3://sagemaker-us-east-1-634231958143/data/transformed/womens_clothing_ecommerce_reviews_transformed.csv

Import AWS Data Wrangler

AWS Data Wrangler is an AWS Professional Service open source python initiative part of Amazon Sagemaker - that extends the power of Pandas library to AWS connecting dataframes and AWS data related services (Amazon Redshift, AWS Glue, Amazon Athena, Amazon EMR, Amazon QuickSight, etc).

Built on top of other open-source projects like Pandas, Apache Arrow, Boto3, SQLAlchemy, Psycopg2 and PyMySQL, it offers abstracted functions to execute usual ETL tasks like load/unload data from data lakes, data warehouses and databases.

import awswrangler as wr

4.2 Create AWS Glue Catalog database

The data catalog features of AWS Glue and the inbuilt integration to Amazon S3 simplify the process of identifying data and deriving the schema definition out of the discovered data. Using AWS Glue crawlers within our data catalog, we can traverse the data stored in Amazon S3 and build out the metadata tables that are defined in our data catalog.

Here we will use the wr.catalog.create_database function to create a database with the name dsoaws_deep_learning (“dsoaws” stands for “Data Science on AWS”).

dbs = wr.catalog.get_databases()

for db in dbs:
    print("Database name: " + db['Name'])
Database name: dsoaws_deep_learning

4.3 Register CSV data with AWS Glue Catalog

        'sentiment': 'int',        
        'review_body': 'string',
        'product_category': 'string'      

Review the table shape:

table = wr.catalog.table(database='dsoaws_deep_learning',
Column Name Type Partition Comment
0 sentiment int False
1 review_body string False
2 product_category string False

4.4 Create default S3 bucket for Amazon Athena

We can use Amazon Athena to query our results. Amazon Athena requires this S3 bucket to store temporary query results and improve performance of subsequent queries.

The contents of this bucket are mostly binary and human-unreadable.

# S3 bucket name

5 Visualising the Data and Answering Questions

Let’s review the columns we have selected from our reviews dataset.

  • sentiment: The review’s sentiment (-1, 0, 1).
  • product_category: Broad product category that can be used to group reviews (in this case digital videos).
  • review_body: The text of the review.

5.1 Preparation for data visualization


import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina'


We need to set an AWS Glue database and a table name.

database_name = 'dsoaws_deep_learning'
table_name = 'reviews'

Let’s also define some seaborn config for our visualisations.

sns.set_style = 'seaborn-whitegrid'

            'grid.color': '.8',
            'grid.linestyle': '-',

5.2 Plotting key stats using bar charts

Amazon Athena lets you query data in Amazon S3 using a standard SQL interface. It reflects the databases and tables in the AWS Glue Catalog.

You can create interactive queries and perform any data manipulations required for further downstream processing.

A Standard SQL query can be saved as a string and then passed as a parameter into the Athena query. For example to count the total number of reviews by sentiment, the SQL query here will take the following form:

SELECT column_name, COUNT(column_name) as new_column_name
FROM table_name
GROUP BY column_name
ORDER BY column_name

5.3 How many reviews per sentiment?

statement_count_by_sentiment = """
SELECT sentiment, COUNT(sentiment) AS count_sentiment
FROM reviews
GROUP BY sentiment
ORDER BY sentiment


SELECT sentiment, COUNT(sentiment) AS count_sentiment
FROM reviews
GROUP BY sentiment
ORDER BY sentiment

Query data in Amazon Athena database cluster using the prepared SQL statement:

df_count_by_sentiment = wr.athena.read_sql_query(

   sentiment  count_sentiment
0         -1             2370
1          0             2823
2          1            17433

Preview the results of the query:

df_count_by_sentiment.plot(kind='bar', x='sentiment', y='count_sentiment', rot=0)

So we can see the positive sentiment (1) category has by far the most reviews.

5.4 Calculate total number of reviews per product category

Using an Amazon Athena query with the standard SQL statement passed as a parameter, we can calculate the total number of reviews per product_category in the table reviews.

We can create an SQL statement of the form

SELECT category_column, COUNT(column_name) AS new_column_name
FROM table_name
GROUP BY category_column
ORDER BY new_column_name DESC

as a triple quote string into the variable statement_count_by_category. We will also use the column sentiment in the COUNT function and give it a new name count_sentiment.

statement_count_by_category = """
SELECT product_category, COUNT(sentiment) AS count_sentiment
FROM reviews
GROUP BY product_category 
ORDER BY count_sentiment DESC

SELECT product_category, COUNT(sentiment) AS count_sentiment
FROM reviews
GROUP BY product_category 
ORDER BY count_sentiment DESC

Let’s query data in Amazon Athena database passing the prepared SQL statement:

df_count_by_category = wr.athena.read_sql_query(

CPU times: user 320 ms, sys: 24.5 ms, total: 345 ms
Wall time: 3.27 s
product_category count_sentiment
0 Dresses 6145
1 Knits 4626
2 Blouses 2983
3 Sweaters 1380
4 Pants 1350
5 Jeans 1104
6 Fine gauge 1059
7 Skirts 903
8 Jackets 683
9 Lounge 669
10 Swim 332
11 Outerwear 319
12 Shorts 304
13 Sleep 214
14 Legwear 158
15 Intimates 147
16 Layering 132
17 Trend 118

5.5 Which product categories are highest rated by average sentiment?

We will set the SQL statement to find the average sentiment per product category, showing the results in the descending order.

statement_avg_by_category = """
SELECT product_category, AVG(sentiment) AS avg_sentiment
FROM {} 
GROUP BY product_category 
ORDER BY avg_sentiment DESC


SELECT product_category, AVG(sentiment) AS avg_sentiment
FROM reviews 
GROUP BY product_category 
ORDER BY avg_sentiment DESC

Lets query data in Amazon Athena database passing the prepared SQL statement:

df_avg_by_category = wr.athena.read_sql_query(
CPU times: user 462 ms, sys: 16.5 ms, total: 478 ms
Wall time: 3.74 s

Let’s now preview the query results in the temporary S3 bucket: s3://aws-athena-query-results-ACCOUNT-REGION/

product_category avg_sentiment
0 Layering 0.780303
1 Jeans 0.746377
2 Lounge 0.745889
3 Sleep 0.710280
4 Shorts 0.707237
5 Pants 0.705185
6 Intimates 0.700680
7 Jackets 0.699854
8 Skirts 0.696567
9 Legwear 0.696203
10 Fine gauge 0.692162
11 Outerwear 0.683386
12 Knits 0.653913
13 Swim 0.644578
14 Dresses 0.643287
15 Sweaters 0.641304
16 Blouses 0.641301
17 Trend 0.483051


def show_values_barplot(axs, space):
    def _show_on_plot(ax):
        for p in ax.patches:
            _x = p.get_x() + p.get_width() + float(space)
            _y = p.get_y() + p.get_height()
            value = round(float(p.get_width()),2)
            ax.text(_x, _y, value, ha="left")

    if isinstance(axs, np.ndarray):
        for idx, ax in np.ndenumerate(axs):
# Create plot
barplot = sns.barplot(
    data = df_avg_by_category, 

# Set the size of the figure
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize':(15.0, 10.0)})
# Set title and x-axis ticks 
plt.title('Average sentiment by product category')
#plt.xticks([-1, 0, 1], ['Negative', 'Neutral', 'Positive'])

# Helper code to show actual values afters bars 
show_values_barplot(barplot, 0.1)

plt.xlabel("Average sentiment")
plt.ylabel("Product category")


# Show graphic

5.6 Which product categories have the most reviews?

Let’s create an SQL statement to find the count of sentiment per product category, showing the results in the descending order.

statement_count_by_category_desc = """
SELECT product_category, COUNT(*) AS count_reviews 
GROUP BY product_category 
ORDER BY count_reviews DESC


SELECT product_category, COUNT(*) AS count_reviews 
FROM reviews
GROUP BY product_category 
ORDER BY count_reviews DESC

Now lets query data in Amazon Athena database passing the prepared SQL statement.

df_count_by_category_desc = wr.athena.read_sql_query(
CPU times: user 360 ms, sys: 22.6 ms, total: 382 ms
Wall time: 4.38 s

Let’s store maximum number of sentiment for the visualization plot.

max_sentiment = df_count_by_category_desc['count_reviews'].max()
print('Highest number of reviews (in a single category): {}'.format(max_sentiment))
Highest number of reviews (in a single category): 6145

Let’s now plot this as a bar chart.

# Create seaborn barplot
barplot = sns.barplot(

# Set the size of the figure
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize':(15.0, 10.0)})
# Set title
plt.title("Number of reviews per product category")
plt.xlabel("Number of reviews")
plt.ylabel("Product category")


# Show the barplot

5.7 What is the breakdown of sentiments per product category?

Let’s set the SQL statement to find the count of sentiment per product category and sentiment.

statement_count_by_category_and_sentiment = """
SELECT product_category,
         COUNT(*) AS count_reviews
GROUP BY  product_category, sentiment
ORDER BY  product_category ASC, sentiment DESC, count_reviews


SELECT product_category,
         COUNT(*) AS count_reviews
FROM reviews
GROUP BY  product_category, sentiment
ORDER BY  product_category ASC, sentiment DESC, count_reviews

Now we query the data in Amazon Athena database passing the prepared SQL statement.

df_count_by_category_and_sentiment = wr.athena.read_sql_query(
CPU times: user 482 ms, sys: 22 ms, total: 504 ms
Wall time: 3.56 s

Let’s prepare for a stacked percentage horizontal bar plot showing proportion of sentiments per product category.

# Create grouped dataframes by category and by sentiment
grouped_category = df_count_by_category_and_sentiment.groupby('product_category')
grouped_star = df_count_by_category_and_sentiment.groupby('sentiment')

# Create sum of sentiments per star sentiment
df_sum = df_count_by_category_and_sentiment.groupby(['sentiment']).sum()

# Calculate total number of sentiments
total = df_sum['count_reviews'].sum()
print('Total number of reviews: {}'.format(total))
Total number of reviews: 22626

And create a dictionary of product categories and array of star rating distribution per category.

distribution = {}
count_reviews_per_star = []

for category, sentiments in grouped_category:
    count_reviews_per_star = []
    for star in sentiments['sentiment']:
        count_reviews_per_star.append(sentiments.at[i, 'count_reviews'])
    distribution[category] = count_reviews_per_star

Now let’s build an array per star across all categories.

{'Blouses': [2256, 384, 343],
 'Dresses': [4634, 830, 681],
 'Fine gauge': [837, 118, 104],
 'Intimates': [117, 16, 14],
 'Jackets': [550, 61, 72],
 'Jeans': [909, 110, 85],
 'Knits': [3523, 605, 498],
 'Layering': [113, 9, 10],
 'Legwear': [126, 16, 16],
 'Lounge': [545, 78, 46],
 'Outerwear': [254, 29, 36],
 'Pants': [1074, 154, 122],
 'Shorts': [240, 39, 25],
 'Skirts': [714, 104, 85],
 'Sleep': [175, 16, 23],
 'Sweaters': [1036, 193, 151],
 'Swim': [252, 42, 38],
 'Trend': [78, 19, 21]}
df_distribution_pct = pd.DataFrame(distribution).transpose().apply(
    lambda num_sentiments: num_sentiments/sum(num_sentiments)*100, axis=1
df_distribution_pct.columns=['1', '0', '-1']
1 0 -1
Blouses 75.628562 12.872947 11.498491
Dresses 75.410903 13.506916 11.082181
Fine gauge 79.036827 11.142587 9.820585
Intimates 79.591837 10.884354 9.523810
Jackets 80.527086 8.931186 10.541728
Jeans 82.336957 9.963768 7.699275
Knits 76.156507 13.078253 10.765240
Layering 85.606061 6.818182 7.575758
Legwear 79.746835 10.126582 10.126582
Lounge 81.464873 11.659193 6.875934
Outerwear 79.623824 9.090909 11.285266
Pants 79.555556 11.407407 9.037037
Shorts 78.947368 12.828947 8.223684
Skirts 79.069767 11.517165 9.413068
Sleep 81.775701 7.476636 10.747664
Sweaters 75.072464 13.985507 10.942029
Swim 75.903614 12.650602 11.445783
Trend 66.101695 16.101695 17.796610

Let’s plot the distributions of sentiments per product category.

categories = df_distribution_pct.index

# Plot bars


plt.title("Distribution of reviews per sentiment per category", 

           loc="upper left",

plt.xlabel("% Breakdown of sentiments", fontsize='14')

<Figure size 1000x500 with 0 Axes>

5.8 Analyze the distribution of review word counts

Let’s now set the SQL statement to count the number of the words in each of the reviews.

statement_num_words = """
    SELECT CARDINALITY(SPLIT(review_body, ' ')) as num_words
    FROM {}


    SELECT CARDINALITY(SPLIT(review_body, ' ')) as num_words
    FROM reviews

Now query the data in Amazon Athena database passing the SQL statement.

df_num_words = wr.athena.read_sql_query(
CPU times: user 286 ms, sys: 20.9 ms, total: 307 ms
Wall time: 3.25 s

Let’s print out and analyse some descriptive statistics.

summary = df_num_words["num_words"].describe(percentiles=[0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40, 0.50, 0.60, 0.70, 0.80, 0.90, 1.00])
count    22626.000000
mean        62.709847
std         29.993735
min          2.000000
10%         22.000000
20%         33.000000
30%         42.000000
40%         51.000000
50%         61.000000
60%         72.000000
70%         86.000000
80%         97.000000
90%        103.000000
100%       122.000000
max        122.000000
Name: num_words, dtype: float64

Now we will plot the distribution of the words number per review.

df_num_words["num_words"].plot.hist(xticks=[0, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256], bins=100, range=[0, 256]).axvline(
    x=summary["100%"], c="red"

plt.xlabel("Words number", fontsize='14')
plt.ylabel("Frequency", fontsize='14')
plt.savefig('distribution_num_words_per_review.png', dpi=300)

6 Acknowledgements

I’d like to express my thanks to the great Deep Learning AI Practical Data Science on AWS Specialisation Course which i completed, and acknowledge the use of some images and other materials from the training course in this article.
