Creating a Sentiment Analysis Text Classification Model using AWS SageMaker BlazingText

In this article we will use the AWS SageMaker BlazingText built-in deep learning model to predict the sentiment for customer text reviews. BlazingText is a variant of FastText which is based on word2vec.

Pranath Fernando


February 6, 2023

1 Introduction

In earlier articles we introduced AWS cloud services for data science, and showed how it could help with different stages of the data science & machine learning workflow.

In this article we will use the AWS SageMaker BlazingText built-in deep learning model to predict the sentiment for customer text reviews. The model will analyze customer feedback and classify the messages into positive (1), neutral (0) and negative (-1) sentiment.

The dataset we will use is the Women’s Clothing Reviews a public dataset available on kaggle.

In my previous article we saw how you could use AWS Sagemaker Autopilot (an AutoML method) to automatically choose an appropriate model and perform all the required steps of the Data Science workflow.

But sometimes, we may need to go beyond AutoML and do more customisation and human selection for the Data Science workflow, and even between AutoML and fully customised Models, there are a range of choices in between for example from most to least automated methods we could have:

  1. AWS Sagemaker Autopilot (AutoML)
  2. AWS Sagemaker Built-in Algorithms
  3. AWS Sagemaker Bring your own script (import and define your own models)
  4. AWS Sagemaker Bring your own container (i.e. docker image with models & environment)

And of course, there are various pros and cons for each of the options for most automated to most customised.

So when would we use built-in algorithms? What would be the advantages for this?

  • Implementations are highly-optimized and scalable
  • Focus more on domain-specific tasks rather than managing low-level model code and infrastructure
  • Trained model can be downloaded and re-used elsewhere

So as mentioned previously we will be using the BlazingText built in deep learning language model. BlazingText is a variant of FastText which is based on word2vec created by the AWS team in 2017.

Key aspects of BlazingText are:

  • Scales and accelerates Word2Vec using multiple CPUs or GPUs for training
  • Extends FastText to use GPU acceleration with custom CUDA kernels
  • Creates n-gram embeddings using CBOW and skip-gram
  • Saves money by early-stopping a training job when the validation accuracy stops increasing
  • Optimized I/O for datasets stored in Amazon S3

For more information on BlazingText, see the documentation here:

Let’s now install and import the required modules.

import boto3
import sagemaker
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import botocore

config = botocore.config.Config(user_agent_extra='dlai-pds/c1/w4')

# low-level service client of the boto3 session
sm = boto3.client(service_name='sagemaker', 

sm_runtime = boto3.client('sagemaker-runtime',

sess = sagemaker.Session(sagemaker_client=sm,

bucket = sess.default_bucket()
role = sagemaker.get_execution_role()
region = sess.boto_region_name
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina'

2 Prepare dataset

Let’s adapt the dataset into a format that BlazingText understands. The BlazingText format is as follows:

__label__<label> "<features>"

Here are some examples:

__label__-1 "this is bad"
__label__0 "this is ok"
__label__1 "this is great"

Sentiment is one of three classes: negative (-1), neutral (0), or positive (1). BlazingText requires that __label__ is prepended to each sentiment value.

We will tokenize the review_body with the Natural Language Toolkit (nltk) for the model training. We will also use nltk later to tokenize reviews to use as inputs to the deployed model.

2.1 Load the dataset

Upload the dataset into the Pandas dataframe:

!aws s3 cp 's3://dlai-practical-data-science/data/balanced/womens_clothing_ecommerce_reviews_balanced.csv' ./
download: s3://dlai-practical-data-science/data/balanced/womens_clothing_ecommerce_reviews_balanced.csv to ./womens_clothing_ecommerce_reviews_balanced.csv
path = './womens_clothing_ecommerce_reviews_balanced.csv'

df = pd.read_csv(path, delimiter=',')
sentiment review_body product_category
0 -1 This suit did nothing for me. the top has zero... Swim
1 -1 Like other reviewers i saw this dress on the ... Dresses
2 -1 I wish i had read the reviews before purchasin... Knits
3 -1 I ordered these pants in my usual size (xl) an... Legwear
4 -1 I noticed this top on one of the sales associa... Knits

2.2 Transform the dataset

Now we will prepend __label__ to each sentiment value and tokenize the review body using nltk module. Let’s import the module and download the tokenizer:

import nltk'punkt')
[nltk_data] Downloading package punkt to /root/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Unzipping tokenizers/

To split a sentence into tokens we can use word_tokenize method. It will separate words, punctuation, and apply some stemming.

For example:

sentence = "I'm not a fan of this product!"

tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(sentence)
['I', "'m", 'not', 'a', 'fan', 'of', 'this', 'product', '!']

The output of word tokenization can be converted into a string separated by spaces and saved in the dataframe. The transformed sentences are prepared then for better text understending by the model.

Let’s define a prepare_data function which we will apply later to transform both training and validation datasets.

def tokenize(review):
    # delete commas and quotation marks, apply tokenization and join back into a string separating by spaces
    return ' '.join([str(token) for token in nltk.word_tokenize(str(review).replace(',', '').replace('"', '').lower())])
def prepare_data(df):
    df['sentiment'] = df['sentiment'].map(lambda sentiment : '__label__{}'.format(str(sentiment).replace('__label__', '')))
    df['review_body'] = df['review_body'].map(lambda review : tokenize(review)) 
    return df

Test the prepared function and examine the result.

# create a sample dataframe
df_example = pd.DataFrame({
    'sentiment':[-1, 0, 1], 
        "I don't like this product!", 
        "this product is ok", 
        "I do like this product!"]

# test the prepare_data function
     sentiment                   review_body
0  __label__-1  i do n't like this product !
1   __label__0            this product is ok
2   __label__1      i do like this product !

Let’s apply the prepare_data function to the dataset.

df_blazingtext = df[['sentiment', 'review_body']].reset_index(drop=True)
df_blazingtext = prepare_data(df_blazingtext)
sentiment review_body
0 __label__-1 this suit did nothing for me . the top has zer...
1 __label__-1 like other reviewers i saw this dress on the c...
2 __label__-1 i wish i had read the reviews before purchasin...
3 __label__-1 i ordered these pants in my usual size ( xl ) ...
4 __label__-1 i noticed this top on one of the sales associa...

2.3 Split the dataset into train and validation sets

We will now split and visualize a pie chart of the train (90%) and validation (10%) sets.

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# Split all data into 90% train and 10% holdout
df_train, df_validation = train_test_split(df_blazingtext, 

labels = ['train', 'validation']
sizes = [len(df_train.index), len(df_validation.index)]
explode = (0.1, 0)  

fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()

ax1.pie(sizes, explode=explode, labels=labels, autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=90)

# Equal aspect ratio ensures that pie is drawn as a circle.


Save the results as CSV files.

blazingtext_train_path = './train.csv'
df_train[['sentiment', 'review_body']].to_csv(blazingtext_train_path, index=False, header=False, sep=' ')
blazingtext_validation_path = './validation.csv'
df_validation[['sentiment', 'review_body']].to_csv(blazingtext_validation_path, index=False, header=False, sep=' ')

2.4 Upload the train and validation datasets to S3 bucket

We will use these to train and validate your model. Let’s save them to S3 bucket.

train_s3_uri = sess.upload_data(bucket=bucket, key_prefix='blazingtext/data', path=blazingtext_train_path)
validation_s3_uri = sess.upload_data(bucket=bucket, key_prefix='blazingtext/data', path=blazingtext_validation_path)

3 Train the model

We will now setup the BlazingText estimator. For more information on Estimators, see the SageMaker Python SDK documentation here:

We will setup the container image to use for training with the BlazingText algorithm.

image_uri = sagemaker.image_uris.retrieve(

Let’s now create an estimator instance passing the container image and other instance parameters.

estimator = sagemaker.estimator.Estimator(

Now we need to configure the hyper-parameters for BlazingText. In our case we are using BlazingText for a supervised classification task.

Information on the hyper-parameters can be found in the documentation here:

The hyperparameters that have the greatest impact on word2vec objective metrics are: learning_rate and vector_dim.

estimator.set_hyperparameters(mode='supervised',   # supervised (text classification)
                              epochs=10,           # number of complete passes through the dataset: 5 - 15
                              learning_rate=0.01,  # step size for the  numerical optimizer: 0.005 - 0.01
                              min_count=2,         # discard words that appear less than this number: 0 - 100                              
                              vector_dim=300,      # number of dimensions in vector space: 32-300
                              word_ngrams=3)       # number of words in a word n-gram: 1 - 3

To call the fit method for the created estimator instance we need to setup the input data channels. This can be organized as a dictionary

data_channels = {
    'train': ..., # training data
    'validation': ... # validation data

where training and validation data are the Amazon SageMaker channels for S3 input data sources.

Let’s create a train data channel.

train_data = sagemaker.inputs.TrainingInput(

Let’s create a validation data channel.

validation_data = sagemaker.inputs.TrainingInput(

Let’s now organize the data channels defined above as a dictionary.

data_channels = {
    'train': train_data, 
    'validation': validation_data 

We will now start fitting the model to the dataset.

To do this we call the fit method of the estimator passing the configured train and validation inputs (data channels).
    inputs=..., # train and validation input
    wait=False # do not wait for the job to complete before continuing

training_job_name =
print('Training Job Name:  {}'.format(training_job_name))
Training Job Name:  blazingtext-2023-02-06-12-48-14-823

Let’s setup a watcher while we wait for the training job to complete.



2023-02-06 12:48:16 Starting - Starting the training job.........
2023-02-06 12:49:15 Starting - Preparing the instances for training..
2023-02-06 12:49:30 Downloading - Downloading input data.......
2023-02-06 12:50:10 Training - Downloading the training image..
2023-02-06 12:50:26 Training - Training image download completed. Training in progress.......
2023-02-06 12:51:02 Uploading - Uploading generated training model....................................................................
2023-02-06 12:56:53 Completed - Training job completed
CPU times: user 470 ms, sys: 76.5 ms, total: 547 ms
Wall time: 8min 28s

Let’s now review the train and validation accuracy.

Warning: No metrics called train:mean_rho found
timestamp metric_name value
0 0.0 train:accuracy 0.5456
1 0.0 validation:accuracy 0.5021

4 Deploy the model

Now lets deploy the trained model as an Endpoint.


text_classifier = estimator.deploy(initial_instance_count=1,

print('Endpoint name:  {}'.format(text_classifier.endpoint_name))
Endpoint name:  blazingtext-2023-02-06-12-56-55-806
CPU times: user 124 ms, sys: 4.38 ms, total: 128 ms
Wall time: 2min 32s

5 Test the model

Let’s now test the model to see if it makes reasonable predictions.

We need to import the nltk library to convert the raw reviews into tokens that BlazingText recognizes.

import nltk'punkt')
[nltk_data] Downloading package punkt to /root/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Package punkt is already up-to-date!

Then we need to specify sample reviews to predict the sentiment.

reviews = ['This product is great!',
           'OK, but not great',
           'This is not the right product.'] 

Next we tokenize the reviews and specify the payload to use when calling the REST API.

tokenized_reviews = [' '.join(nltk.word_tokenize(review)) for review in reviews]

payload = {"instances" : tokenized_reviews}
{'instances': ['This product is great !', 'OK , but not great', 'This is not the right product .']}

Now we can predict the sentiment for each review. Calling the predict method of the text classifier passing the tokenized sentence instances (payload) into the data argument.

predictions = text_classifier.predict(data=payload)
for prediction in predictions:
    print('Predicted class: {}'.format(prediction['label'][0].lstrip('__label__')))
Predicted class: 1
Predicted class: -1
Predicted class: -1

6 Acknowledgements

I’d like to express my thanks to the great Deep Learning AI Practical Data Science on AWS Specialisation Course which i completed, and acknowledge the use of some images and other materials from the training course in this article.
