Implementing the T5 text transformer model

We implement the Text to Text Transfer from Transformers model (better known as T5) which can perform a wide variety of NLP tasks and is a versatile model.

Pranath Fernando


March 22, 2023

1 Introduction

In this article we will explore question answering. We will implement the “Text to Text Transfer from Transformers” model (better known as T5) which can perform a wide variety of NLP tasks.

We will create the necessary building blocks for the transformer encoder model required and will use a pretrained version of the same model.

After completing these tasks we will:

  • Understand how the C4 dataset is structured.
  • Use a pretrained model for inference.
  • Understand how the “Text to Text Transfer from Transformers” or T5 model works.

2 Importing the Packages

import ast
import pprint
import string
import textwrap
import itertools
import numpy as np
import w3_tests

import trax 
from trax import layers as tl
from trax.supervised import decoding

# Will come handy later.
wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=70)

# Set random seed

3 C4 Dataset

The C4 is a huge data set. For the purpose of this project we will use a few examples out of it which are present in data.txt. C4 is based on the common crawl project. Feel free to read more on their website.

# load example jsons
example_jsons = list(map(ast.literal_eval, open('data/data.txt')))
# Printing the examples to see how the data looks like
for i in range(5):
    print(f'example number {i+1}: \n\n{example_jsons[i]} \n')
example number 1: 

{'content-length': b'1970', 'content-type': b'text/plain', 'text': b'Beginners BBQ Class Taking Place in Missoula!\nDo you want to get better at making delicious BBQ? You will have the opportunity, put this on your calendar now. Thursday, September 22nd join World Class BBQ Champion, Tony Balay from Lonestar Smoke Rangers. He will be teaching a beginner level class for everyone who wants to get better with their culinary skills.\nHe will teach you everything you need to know to compete in a KCBS BBQ competition, including techniques, recipes, timelines, meat selection and trimming, plus smoker and fire information.\nThe cost to be in the class is $35 per person, and for spectators it is free. Included in the cost will be either a t-shirt or apron and you will be tasting samples of each meat that is prepared.', 'timestamp': b'2019-04-25T12:57:54Z', 'url': b''} 

example number 2: 

{'content-length': b'12064', 'content-type': b'text/plain', 'text': b'Discussion in \'Mac OS X Lion (10.7)\' started by axboi87, Jan 20, 2012.\nI\'ve got a 500gb internal drive and a 240gb SSD.\nWhen trying to restore using disk utility i\'m given the error "Not enough space on disk ____ to restore"\nBut I shouldn\'t have to do that!!!\nAny ideas or workarounds before resorting to the above?\nUse Carbon Copy Cloner to copy one drive to the other. I\'ve done this several times going from larger HDD to smaller SSD and I wound up with a bootable SSD drive. One step you have to remember not to skip is to use Disk Utility to partition the SSD as GUID partition scheme HFS+ before doing the clone. If it came Apple Partition Scheme, even if you let CCC do the clone, the resulting drive won\'t be bootable. CCC usually works in "file mode" and it can easily copy a larger drive (that\'s mostly empty) onto a smaller drive. If you tell CCC to clone a drive you did NOT boot from, it can work in block copy mode where the destination drive must be the same size or larger than the drive you are cloning from (if I recall).\nI\'ve actually done this somehow on Disk Utility several times (booting from a different drive (or even the dvd) so not running disk utility from the drive your cloning) and had it work just fine from larger to smaller bootable clone. Definitely format the drive cloning to first, as bootable Apple etc..\nThanks for pointing this out. My only experience using DU to go larger to smaller was when I was trying to make a Lion install stick and I was unable to restore InstallESD.dmg to a 4 GB USB stick but of course the reason that wouldn\'t fit is there was slightly more than 4 GB of data.', 'timestamp': b'2019-04-21T10:07:13Z', 'url': b''} 

example number 3: 

{'content-length': b'5235', 'content-type': b'text/plain', 'text': b'Foil plaid lycra and spandex shortall with metallic slinky insets. Attached metallic elastic belt with O-ring. Headband included. Great hip hop or jazz dance costume. Made in the USA.', 'timestamp': b'2019-04-25T10:40:23Z', 'url': b''} 

example number 4: 

{'content-length': b'4967', 'content-type': b'text/plain', 'text': b"How many backlinks per day for new site?\nDiscussion in 'Black Hat SEO' started by Omoplata, Dec 3, 2010.\n1) for a newly created site, what's the max # backlinks per day I should do to be safe?\n2) how long do I have to let my site age before I can start making more blinks?\nI did about 6000 forum profiles every 24 hours for 10 days for one of my sites which had a brand new domain.\nThere is three backlinks for every of these forum profile so thats 18 000 backlinks every 24 hours and nothing happened in terms of being penalized or sandboxed. This is now maybe 3 months ago and the site is ranking on first page for a lot of my targeted keywords.\nbuild more you can in starting but do manual submission and not spammy type means manual + relevant to the post.. then after 1 month you can make a big blast..\nWow, dude, you built 18k backlinks a day on a brand new site? How quickly did you rank up? What kind of competition/searches did those keywords have?", 'timestamp': b'2019-04-21T12:46:19Z', 'url': b''} 

example number 5: 

{'content-length': b'4499', 'content-type': b'text/plain', 'text': b'The Denver Board of Education opened the 2017-18 school year with an update on projects that include new construction, upgrades, heat mitigation and quality learning environments.\nWe are excited that Denver students will be the beneficiaries of a four year, $572 million General Obligation Bond. Since the passage of the bond, our construction team has worked to schedule the projects over the four-year term of the bond.\nDenver voters on Tuesday approved bond and mill funding measures for students in Denver Public Schools, agreeing to invest $572 million in bond funding to build and improve schools and $56.6 million in operating dollars to support proven initiatives, such as early literacy.\nDenver voters say yes to bond and mill levy funding support for DPS students and schools. Click to learn more about the details of the voter-approved bond measure.\nDenver voters on Nov. 8 approved bond and mill funding measures for DPS students and schools. Learn more about what\xe2\x80\x99s included in the mill levy measure.', 'timestamp': b'2019-04-20T14:33:21Z', 'url': b''} 

Notice the b before each string? This means that this data comes as bytes rather than strings. Strings are actually lists of bytes the name strings will be used to describe the data.


3.1 Pre-Training Objective

Note: The word “mask” will be used throughout this project in context of hiding/removing word(s)

We will be implementing the BERT loss as shown in the following image.

Say we have the following text: Thank you for inviting me to your party last week

Now as input we will mask the words in red in the text:

Input: Thank you X me to your party Y week.

Output: The model should predict the words(s) for X and Y.

Z is used to represent the end.

3.2 Process C4

C4 only has the plain string text field, so we will tokenize and have inputs and targets out of it for supervised learning. Given our inputs, the goal is to predict the targets during training.

We will now take the text and convert it to inputs and targets.

# Grab text field from dictionary
natural_language_texts = [example_json['text'] for example_json in example_jsons]
# First text example
b'The Denver Board of Education opened the 2017-18 school year with an update on projects that include new construction, upgrades, heat mitigation and quality learning environments.\nWe are excited that Denver students will be the beneficiaries of a four year, $572 million General Obligation Bond. Since the passage of the bond, our construction team has worked to schedule the projects over the four-year term of the bond.\nDenver voters on Tuesday approved bond and mill funding measures for students in Denver Public Schools, agreeing to invest $572 million in bond funding to build and improve schools and $56.6 million in operating dollars to support proven initiatives, such as early literacy.\nDenver voters say yes to bond and mill levy funding support for DPS students and schools. Click to learn more about the details of the voter-approved bond measure.\nDenver voters on Nov. 8 approved bond and mill funding measures for DPS students and schools. Learn more about what\xe2\x80\x99s included in the mill levy measure.'

Decode to Natural Language

The following functions will help us detokenize andtokenize the text data.

The sentencepiece vocabulary was used to convert from text to ids. This vocabulary file is loaded and used in these helper functions.

natural_language_texts has the text from the examples.

# Special tokens
PAD, EOS, UNK = 0, 1, 2

def detokenize(np_array):

def tokenize(s):
  # The function operates on streams,
  # that's why we have to create 1-element stream with iter
  # and later retrieve the result with next.
    return next(
# printing the encoding of each word to see how subwords are tokenized
tokenized_text = [(tokenize(word).tolist(), word) for word in natural_language_texts[0].split()]
print(tokenized_text, '\n')
[([12847, 277], b'Beginners'), ([15068], b'BBQ'), ([4501], b'Class'), ([3, 12297], b'Taking'), ([3399], b'Place'), ([16], b'in'), ([5964, 7115, 9, 55], b'Missoula!'), ([531], b'Do'), ([25], b'you'), ([241], b'want'), ([12], b'to'), ([129], b'get'), ([394], b'better'), ([44], b'at'), ([492], b'making'), ([3326], b'delicious'), ([15068, 58], b'BBQ?'), ([148], b'You'), ([56], b'will'), ([43], b'have'), ([8], b'the'), ([1004, 6], b'opportunity,'), ([474], b'put'), ([48], b'this'), ([30], b'on'), ([39], b'your'), ([4793], b'calendar'), ([230, 5], b'now.'), ([2721, 6], b'Thursday,'), ([1600], b'September'), ([1630, 727], b'22nd'), ([1715], b'join'), ([1150], b'World'), ([4501], b'Class'), ([15068], b'BBQ'), ([16127, 6], b'Champion,'), ([9137], b'Tony'), ([2659, 5595], b'Balay'), ([45], b'from'), ([301, 782, 3624], b'Lonestar'), ([14627, 15], b'Smoke'), ([12612, 277, 5], b'Rangers.'), ([216], b'He'), ([56], b'will'), ([36], b'be'), ([2119], b'teaching'), ([3, 9], b'a'), ([19529], b'beginner'), ([593], b'level'), ([853], b'class'), ([21], b'for'), ([921], b'everyone'), ([113], b'who'), ([2746], b'wants'), ([12], b'to'), ([129], b'get'), ([394], b'better'), ([28], b'with'), ([70], b'their'), ([17712], b'culinary'), ([1098, 5], b'skills.'), ([216], b'He'), ([56], b'will'), ([3884], b'teach'), ([25], b'you'), ([762], b'everything'), ([25], b'you'), ([174], b'need'), ([12], b'to'), ([214], b'know'), ([12], b'to'), ([5978], b'compete'), ([16], b'in'), ([3, 9], b'a'), ([3, 23405, 4547], b'KCBS'), ([15068], b'BBQ'), ([2259, 6], b'competition,'), ([379], b'including'), ([2097, 6], b'techniques,'), ([5459, 6], b'recipes,'), ([13618, 7, 6], b'timelines,'), ([3604], b'meat'), ([1801], b'selection'), ([11], b'and'), ([27856, 6], b'trimming,'), ([303], b'plus'), ([24190], b'smoker'), ([11], b'and'), ([1472], b'fire'), ([251, 5], b'information.'), ([37], b'The'), ([583], b'cost'), ([12], b'to'), ([36], b'be'), ([16], b'in'), ([8], b'the'), ([853], b'class'), ([19], b'is'), ([25264], b'$35'), ([399], b'per'), ([568, 6], b'person,'), ([11], b'and'), ([21], b'for'), ([21380, 7], b'spectators'), ([34], b'it'), ([19], b'is'), ([339, 5], b'free.'), ([15746, 26], b'Included'), ([16], b'in'), ([8], b'the'), ([583], b'cost'), ([56], b'will'), ([36], b'be'), ([893], b'either'), ([3, 9], b'a'), ([3, 17, 18, 9486], b't-shirt'), ([42], b'or'), ([3, 9, 1409, 29], b'apron'), ([11], b'and'), ([25], b'you'), ([56], b'will'), ([36], b'be'), ([12246], b'tasting'), ([5977], b'samples'), ([13], b'of'), ([284], b'each'), ([3604], b'meat'), ([24], b'that'), ([19], b'is'), ([2657, 5], b'prepared.')] 
# We can see that detokenize successfully undoes the tokenization
print(f"tokenized: {tokenize('Beginners')}\ndetokenized: {detokenize(tokenize('Beginners'))}")
tokenized: [12847   277]
detokenized: Beginners

As we can see above, we were able to take a piece of string and tokenize it.

Now we will create input and target pairs that will allow us to train our model. T5 uses the ids at the end of the vocab file as sentinels. For example, it will replace: - vocab_size - 1 by <Z> - vocab_size - 2 by <Y> - and so forth.

It assigns every word a chr.

The pretty_decode function below, which we will use in a bit, helps in handling the type when decoding.

Notice that:

string.ascii_letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'

NOTE: Targets may have more than the 52 sentinels we replace, but this is just to give us an idea of things.

vocab_size =

def get_sentinels(vocab_size=32000, display=False):
    sentinels = {}
    for i, char in enumerate(reversed(string.ascii_letters), 1):
        decoded_text = detokenize([vocab_size - i]) 
        # Sentinels, ex: <Z> - <a>
        sentinels[decoded_text] = f'<{char}>'    
        if display:
            print(f'The sentinel is <{char}> and the decoded token is:', decoded_text)

    return sentinels
sentinels = get_sentinels(vocab_size, display=True)
The sentinel is <Z> and the decoded token is: Internațional
The sentinel is <Y> and the decoded token is: erwachsene
The sentinel is <X> and the decoded token is: Cushion
The sentinel is <W> and the decoded token is: imunitar
The sentinel is <V> and the decoded token is: Intellectual
The sentinel is <U> and the decoded token is: traditi
The sentinel is <T> and the decoded token is: disguise
The sentinel is <S> and the decoded token is: exerce
The sentinel is <R> and the decoded token is: nourishe
The sentinel is <Q> and the decoded token is: predominant
The sentinel is <P> and the decoded token is: amitié
The sentinel is <O> and the decoded token is: erkennt
The sentinel is <N> and the decoded token is: dimension
The sentinel is <M> and the decoded token is: inférieur
The sentinel is <L> and the decoded token is: refugi
The sentinel is <K> and the decoded token is: cheddar
The sentinel is <J> and the decoded token is: unterlieg
The sentinel is <I> and the decoded token is: garanteaz
The sentinel is <H> and the decoded token is: făcute
The sentinel is <G> and the decoded token is: réglage
The sentinel is <F> and the decoded token is: pedepse
The sentinel is <E> and the decoded token is: Germain
The sentinel is <D> and the decoded token is: distinctly
The sentinel is <C> and the decoded token is: Schraub
The sentinel is <B> and the decoded token is: emanat
The sentinel is <A> and the decoded token is: trimestre
The sentinel is <z> and the decoded token is: disrespect
The sentinel is <y> and the decoded token is: Erasmus
The sentinel is <x> and the decoded token is: Australia
The sentinel is <w> and the decoded token is: permeabil
The sentinel is <v> and the decoded token is: deseori
The sentinel is <u> and the decoded token is: manipulated
The sentinel is <t> and the decoded token is: suggér
The sentinel is <s> and the decoded token is: corespund
The sentinel is <r> and the decoded token is: nitro
The sentinel is <q> and the decoded token is: oyons
The sentinel is <p> and the decoded token is: Account
The sentinel is <o> and the decoded token is: échéan
The sentinel is <n> and the decoded token is: laundering
The sentinel is <m> and the decoded token is: genealogy
The sentinel is <l> and the decoded token is: QuickBooks
The sentinel is <k> and the decoded token is: constituted
The sentinel is <j> and the decoded token is: Fertigung
The sentinel is <i> and the decoded token is: goutte
The sentinel is <h> and the decoded token is: regulă
The sentinel is <g> and the decoded token is: overwhelmingly
The sentinel is <f> and the decoded token is: émerg
The sentinel is <e> and the decoded token is: broyeur
The sentinel is <d> and the decoded token is: povești
The sentinel is <c> and the decoded token is: emulator
The sentinel is <b> and the decoded token is: halloween
The sentinel is <a> and the decoded token is: combustibil
def pretty_decode(encoded_str_list, sentinels):
    # If already a string, just do the replacements.
    if isinstance(encoded_str_list, (str, bytes)):
        for token, char in sentinels.items():
            encoded_str_list = encoded_str_list.replace(token, char)
        return encoded_str_list
    # We need to decode and then prettyfy it.
    return pretty_decode(detokenize(encoded_str_list), sentinels)
pretty_decode("I want to dress up as an Intellectual this halloween.", sentinels)
'I want to dress up as an <V> this <b>.'

The functions above make our inputs and targets more readable. For example, we might see something like this once we implement the masking function below.

  • Input sentence: Younes and Lukasz were working together in the lab yesterday after lunch.
  • Input: Younes and Lukasz Z together in the Y yesterday after lunch.
  • Target: Z were working Y lab.

3.3 Tokenizing and Masking

We will now implement the tokenize_and_mask function. This function will allow us to tokenize and mask input words with a noise probability. We usually mask 15% of the words.

def tokenize_and_mask(text, vocab_size=32000, noise=0.15, 
                      randomizer=np.random.uniform, tokenize=tokenize):
    """Tokenizes and masks a given input.

        text (str or bytes): Text input.
        vocab_size (int, optional): Size of the vocabulary. Defaults to vocab_size.
        noise (float, optional): Probability of masking a token. Defaults to 0.15.
        randomizer (function, optional): Function that generates random values. Defaults to np.random.uniform.
        tokenize (function, optional): Tokenizer function. Defaults to tokenize.

        tuple: Tuple of lists of integers associated to inputs and targets.
    # current sentinel number (starts at 0)
    cur_sentinel_num = 0
    # inputs
    inps = []
    # targets
    targs = []
    # prev_no_mask is True if the previous token was NOT masked, False otherwise
    # set prev_no_mask to True
    prev_no_mask = True
    # loop through tokenized `text`
    for token in tokenize(text):
        # check if the `noise` is greater than a random value (weighted coin flip)
        if randomizer() < noise:
            # check to see if the previous token was not masked
            if prev_no_mask==True: # add new masked token at end_id
                # number of masked tokens increases by 1
                cur_sentinel_num += 1
                # compute `end_id` by subtracting current sentinel value out of the total vocabulary size
                end_id = vocab_size - cur_sentinel_num
                # append `end_id` at the end of the targets
                # append `end_id` at the end of the inputs
            # append `token` at the end of the targets
            # set prev_no_mask accordingly
            prev_no_mask = False
        else: # don't have two masked tokens in a row
            # append `token ` at the end of the inputs
            # set prev_no_mask accordingly
            prev_no_mask = True
    return inps, targs
# Some logic to mock a np.random value generator
# Needs to be in the same cell for it to always generate same output
def testing_rnd():
    def dummy_generator():
        vals = np.linspace(0, 1, 10)
        cyclic_vals = itertools.cycle(vals)
        for _ in range(100):
            yield next(cyclic_vals)

    dumr = itertools.cycle(dummy_generator())

    def dummy_randomizer():
        return next(dumr)
    return dummy_randomizer

input_str = natural_language_texts[0]
print(f"input string:\n\n{input_str}\n")
inps, targs = tokenize_and_mask(input_str, randomizer=testing_rnd())
print(f"tokenized inputs:\n\n{inps}\n")
input string:

b'Beginners BBQ Class Taking Place in Missoula!\nDo you want to get better at making delicious BBQ? You will have the opportunity, put this on your calendar now. Thursday, September 22nd join World Class BBQ Champion, Tony Balay from Lonestar Smoke Rangers. He will be teaching a beginner level class for everyone who wants to get better with their culinary skills.\nHe will teach you everything you need to know to compete in a KCBS BBQ competition, including techniques, recipes, timelines, meat selection and trimming, plus smoker and fire information.\nThe cost to be in the class is $35 per person, and for spectators it is free. Included in the cost will be either a t-shirt or apron and you will be tasting samples of each meat that is prepared.'

tokenized inputs:

[31999, 15068, 4501, 3, 12297, 3399, 16, 5964, 7115, 31998, 531, 25, 241, 12, 129, 394, 44, 492, 31997, 58, 148, 56, 43, 8, 1004, 6, 474, 31996, 39, 4793, 230, 5, 2721, 6, 1600, 1630, 31995, 1150, 4501, 15068, 16127, 6, 9137, 2659, 5595, 31994, 782, 3624, 14627, 15, 12612, 277, 5, 216, 31993, 2119, 3, 9, 19529, 593, 853, 21, 921, 31992, 12, 129, 394, 28, 70, 17712, 1098, 5, 31991, 3884, 25, 762, 25, 174, 12, 214, 12, 31990, 3, 9, 3, 23405, 4547, 15068, 2259, 6, 31989, 6, 5459, 6, 13618, 7, 6, 3604, 1801, 31988, 6, 303, 24190, 11, 1472, 251, 5, 37, 31987, 36, 16, 8, 853, 19, 25264, 399, 568, 31986, 21, 21380, 7, 34, 19, 339, 5, 15746, 31985, 8, 583, 56, 36, 893, 3, 9, 3, 31984, 9486, 42, 3, 9, 1409, 29, 11, 25, 31983, 12246, 5977, 13, 284, 3604, 24, 19, 2657, 31982]


[31999, 12847, 277, 31998, 9, 55, 31997, 3326, 15068, 31996, 48, 30, 31995, 727, 1715, 31994, 45, 301, 31993, 56, 36, 31992, 113, 2746, 31991, 216, 56, 31990, 5978, 16, 31989, 379, 2097, 31988, 11, 27856, 31987, 583, 12, 31986, 6, 11, 31985, 26, 16, 31984, 17, 18, 31983, 56, 36, 31982, 5]
print('Inputs: \n\n', pretty_decode(inps, sentinels))
print('\nTargets: \n\n', pretty_decode(targs, sentinels))

 <Z> BBQ Class Taking Place in Missoul <Y> Do you want to get better at making <X>? You will have the opportunity, put <W> your calendar now. Thursday, September 22 <V> World Class BBQ Champion, Tony Balay <U>onestar Smoke Rangers. He <T> teaching a beginner level class for everyone<S> to get better with their culinary skills.<R> teach you everything you need to know to <Q> a KCBS BBQ competition,<P>, recipes, timelines, meat selection <O>, plus smoker and fire information. The<N> be in the class is $35 per person <M> for spectators it is free. Include <L> the cost will be either a  <K>shirt or apron and you <J> tasting samples of each meat that is prepared <I>


 <Z> Beginners <Y>a! <X> delicious BBQ <W> this on <V>nd join <U> from L <T> will be<S> who wants<R> He will <Q> compete in<P> including techniques <O> and trimming<N> cost to <M>, and <L>d in <K>t- <J> will be <I>.

We will now use the inputs and the targets from the tokenize_and_mask function we implemented above.

3.4 Creating the Pairs

We will now create pairs using our dataset. We will iterate over our data and create (inp, targ) pairs using the functions already defined.

# Apply tokenize_and_mask
inputs_targets_pairs = [tokenize_and_mask(text) for text in natural_language_texts]
def display_input_target_pairs(inputs_targets_pairs, sentinels, wrapper=textwrap.TextWrapper(width=70)):
    for i, inp_tgt_pair in enumerate(inputs_targets_pairs, 1):
        inps, tgts = inp_tgt_pair
        inps, tgts = pretty_decode(inps, sentinels), pretty_decode(tgts, sentinels)
display_input_target_pairs(inputs_targets_pairs, sentinels, wrapper)

Beginners BBQ Class Taking Place in Missoula! Do you <Z> to get better
at making delicious BBQ? You will have the opportunity, put this on
your calendar now. Thursday, September 22nd join World Class <Y>
Champion, Tony Ba <X> from Lone <W>e Rangers. He will be teaching  <V>
beginner level class for everyone who wants <U> get better with their
culinary <T>. He<S> teach you everything you<R> to know to compete in
a KCBS BBQ competition, including techniques, <Q>, timelines,<P>
selection and <O>, plus smoker and fire information. The cost to be in
the class is $35 per<N> and for <M>s it <L> free. <K>d in <J> will be
either a t-shirt or  <I>pron and you will be tasting samples of each
meat that is prepared.

<Z> want <Y> BBQ <X>lay <W>star Smok <V>a <U> to <T> skills<S> will<R>
need <Q> recipes<P> meat <O> trimming<N> person, <M> spectator <L> is
<K> Include <J> the cost <I>a


Discussion in ' <Z> OS X Lion (10.7) <Y> axboi87, Jan 20, 2012. I've
<X> a 500gb internal drive and <W>a 240gb SSD. When trying to restore
using <V> utility i'm given <U> error "Not enough space <T> disk
<S>___ to restore"<R> I shouldn't have to do that!!! Any ideas or
workarounds before resort <Q> the above<P> Use Carbon <O> Cloner to
copy one drive to the other. I've done this several times<N> from
larger HD <M> to <L> I <K> up with a bootable SSD drive <J> One <I>
you have<H> remember not to skip is to use Disk Utility to partition
the SSD as GUID partition scheme HFS+ before<G> the clone. If it came
Apple <F>ition Scheme,<E>if you let CCC do the clone, the resulting
drive won't be bootable.<D>CC<C> works in "file mode" <B> can <A> copy
a larger drive (that <z> mostly empty) onto a smaller drive. If <y>
tell C<x> to<w>clone a drive you did NOT<v> from, it can work in block
copy mode<u> the destination drive must be the same size or larger
than the drive you <t> cloning from (if I recall). I've actually done
this somehow on Disk Utility several times (booting from a different
drive ( <s> even the dvd) so<r> disk utility from<q> your cloning)
and<p> work just fine from larger <o> smaller bootable clone <n>
Definitely <m> the drive clo <l>ing to<k>, <j> boot<i> Apple etc..
Thanks for pointing this<h> My only<g> using DU to go larger to <f>
was when I was trying<e> make a Lion install <d> and <c> was unable to
restore InstallESD.dmg to a 4 GB USB stick but of <b> the reason that
wouldn't fit is there was <a> more than Théâtre GB of data.

<Z>Mac <Y>' started by <X> got <W>  <V> disk <U> the <T> on<S>_<R> But
<Q>ing to<P>? <O> Copy<N> going <M>D <L> smaller SSD and <K> wound
<J>. <I> step<H> to<G> doing <F> Part<E> even <D> C<C> usually <B> and
it <A> easily <z>'s <y> you<x>CC<w> <v> boot<u> where <t> are <s>or<r>
not running<q> the drive<p> had it <o> to <n>. <m> format <l>n<k>
first <j> as<i>able<h> out.<g> experience <f> smaller<e> to <d> stick
<c> I <b> course <a> slightly Théâtre 4


<Z>il plaid lycra and span <Y>ex shortall with metallic slink <X>
inset <W>. Attached metallic elastic belt with O <V>ring. Headband
included. <U> hip <T> jazz dance costume.<S> in the USA.

<Z> Fo <Y>d <X>y <W>s <V>- <U> Great <T> hop or<S> Made


<Z> many backlinks per day for new site <Y> Discussion in <X>'Black
Hat SEO' started by Omopla <W>a, Dec 3, 2010. 1) for <V>a newly
created site, what's the max # backlinks per <U> I should do to be
safe? 2) how <T> do I have to let my site age before I can start
making<S>s? I did about 6000 forum profiles every 24 hours for 10 days
for one of my sites<R> had a brand new <Q> There is three back<P>s for
every of these forum profile so thats 18 000 <O>links every<N> hours
and nothing happened in terms <M> being <L>ized or  <K>andbox <J>d <I>
This is now<H> 3 months ago and the<G> is ranking on first page <F> a
lot of my targeted keywords. build more you can in starting but do
manual submission and not spammy type means manual +<E> to the
post.<D> then after 1 month<C> can make  <B> big blast.. Wow, dude,
you <A> 18k backlinks a day on  <z> brand new site? How quickly did
you rank up? What kind of competition/search <y>s did those keywords

<Z> How <Y>? <X>  <W>t <V>  <U> day <T> long<S> more blink<R> which
<Q> domain.<P>link <O> back<N> 24 <M> of <L> penal <K>s <J>e <I>.<H>
maybe<G> site <F> for<E> relevant<D>.<C> you <B>a <A> built <z>a <y>e


The Denver Board of Education opened the <Z>-18 school year with an
<Y> on projects <X> include new <W>, upgrades, <V> mitigation and
quality learning environments. We <U> that <T> students will be the
beneficiaries<S> a four year, $572 million General Obligation Bond.
Since the passage of the<R>, our construction team has worked to <Q>
the projects over the four-year term of the<P>. Denver voters on
Tuesday approved bond and mill <O> measures for students in Denver
Public Schools, agreeing to invest $5<N> million in <M> funding to
build and improve schools and $56.6 million in operating dollars to
<L> proven initiatives, such as early literacy. Denver voters say <K>
to bond and mill levy <J> support for D <I> students and schools.
Click to learn more about<H> details of the voter-approved bond
measure. Denver voters on<G>. 8 approved bond and mill funding
measures for DPS students and schools. Learn more about <F>’s included
in the mill <E>.

<Z> 2017 <Y> update <X> that <W> construction <V> heat <U> are excited
<T> Denver<S> of<R> bond <Q> schedule<P> bond <O> funding<N>72 <M>
bond <L> support <K> yes <J> funding <I>PS<H> the<G> Nov <F>
what<E>levy measure

4 Transformer

We now load a Transformer model checkpoint that has been pre-trained using the above C4 dataset and decode from it. This will save us a lot of time rather than have to train our model from scratch. Later we will see how to fine-tune our model.

We will start by loading in the model. We copy the checkpoint to local dir for speed, otherwise initialization takes a very long time. Now you will implement the encoder part of the transformer architecture for this. Concretely we will implement the following.

5 Transformer Encoder

We will now implement the transformer encoder. Concretely we will implement two functions. The first function is FeedForwardBlock.

5.1 The Feedforward Block

The FeedForwardBlock function is an important one so we will start by implementing it. To do so, we need to return a list of the following:

  • tl.LayerNorm() = layer normalization.
  • tl.Dense(d_ff) = fully connected layer.
  • activation = activation relu, tanh, sigmoid etc.
  • dropout_middle = we gave you this function (don’t worry about its implementation).
  • tl.Dense(d_model) = fully connected layer with same dimension as the model.
  • dropout_final = we gave you this function (don’t worry about its implementation).

We can always take a look at trax documentation if needed.

def FeedForwardBlock(d_model, d_ff, dropout, dropout_shared_axes, mode, activation):
    """Returns a list of layers implementing a feed-forward block.
        d_model: int:  depth of embedding
        d_ff: int: depth of feed-forward layer
        dropout: float: dropout rate (how much to drop out)
        dropout_shared_axes: list of integers, axes to share dropout mask
        mode: str: 'train' or 'eval'
        activation: the non-linearity in feed-forward layer
        A list of layers which maps vectors to vectors.
    dropout_middle = tl.Dropout(rate=dropout,
    dropout_final = tl.Dropout(rate=dropout, 
    ff_block = [ 
        # trax Layer normalization 
        # trax Dense layer using `d_ff`
        # activation() layer - you need to call (use parentheses) this func!
        # dropout middle layer
        # trax Dense layer using `d_model`
        # dropout final layer
    return ff_block
# Print the block layout
feed_forward_example = FeedForwardBlock(d_model=512, d_ff=2048, dropout=0.8, dropout_shared_axes=0, mode = 'train', activation = tl.Relu)
[LayerNorm, Dense_2048, Serial[
], Dropout, Dense_512, Dropout]
FeedForwardBlock(d_model=16, d_ff=64, dropout=0.1, dropout_shared_axes=0, mode = 'train', activation = tl.Relu)
test_func = lambda x: list((map(type, x)))
test_func(FeedForwardBlock(d_model=16, d_ff=64, dropout=0.1, dropout_shared_axes=0, mode = 'train', activation = tl.Relu))

5.2 The Encoder Block

The encoder block will use the FeedForwardBlock.

We will have to build two residual connections. Inside the first residual connection we will have the tl.LayerNorm(), attention, and dropout_ layers. The second residual connection will have the feed_forward.

We will also need to implement feed_forward, attention and dropout_ blocks.

So far we haven’t seen the tl.Attention() and tl.Residual() layers so we can check the docs by clicking on them.

def EncoderBlock(d_model, d_ff, n_heads, dropout, dropout_shared_axes,
                  mode, ff_activation, FeedForwardBlock=FeedForwardBlock):
    Returns a list of layers that implements a Transformer encoder block.
    The input to the layer is a pair, (activations, mask), where the mask was
    created from the original source tokens to prevent attending to the padding
    part of the input.
        d_model (int): depth of embedding.
        d_ff (int): depth of feed-forward layer.
        n_heads (int): number of attention heads.
        dropout (float): dropout rate (how much to drop out).
        dropout_shared_axes (int): axes on which to share dropout mask.
        mode (str): 'train' or 'eval'.
        ff_activation (function): the non-linearity in feed-forward layer.
        FeedForwardBlock (function): A function that returns the feed forward block.
        list: A list of layers that maps (activations, mask) to (activations, mask).
    # Attention block
    attention = tl.Attention( 
        # Use dimension of the model
        # Set it equal to number of attention heads
        # Set it equal `dropout`
        # Set it equal `mode`
    # Call the function `FeedForwardBlock` (implemented before) and pass in the parameters
    feed_forward = FeedForwardBlock( 
    # Dropout block
    dropout_ = tl.Dropout( 
        # set it equal to `dropout`
        # set it equal to the axes on which to share dropout mask
        # set it equal to `mode`
    encoder_block = [ 
        # add `Residual` layer
            # add norm layer
            # add attention
            # add dropout
        # add another `Residual` layer
            # add feed forward
    return encoder_block
# Print the block layout
encoder_example = EncoderBlock(d_model=512, d_ff=2048, n_heads=6, dropout=0.8, dropout_shared_axes=0, mode = 'train', ff_activation=tl.Relu)
], Serial[

5.3 The Transformer Encoder

Now that we have implemented the EncoderBlock, it is time to build the full encoder. BERT, or Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers is one such encoder.

We will implement its core code in the function below by using the functions we have coded so far.

The model takes in many hyperparameters, such as the vocab_size, the number of classes, the dimension of your model, etc. We want to build a generic function that will take in many parameters, so we can use it later. At the end of the day, anyone can just load in an API and call transformer, but it is helpful to understand how it is built. Let’s get started.

For this encoder we will need a positional_encoder first (which is already provided) followed by n_layers encoder blocks, which are the same encoder blocks we previously built. Once we store the n_layers EncoderBlock in a list, we are going to encode a Serial layer with the following sublayers:

  • tl.Branch: helps with the branching and has the following sublayers:
    • positional_encoder.
    • tl.PaddingMask(): layer that maps integer sequences to padding masks.
  • Your list of EncoderBlocks
  • tl.Select([0], n_in=2): Copies, reorders, or deletes stack elements according to indices.
  • tl.LayerNorm().
  • tl.Mean(): Mean along the first axis.
  • tl.Dense() with n_units set to n_classes.
  • tl.LogSoftmax()

Please refer to the trax documentation for further information.

def TransformerEncoder(vocab_size=32000,
    Returns a Transformer encoder model.
    The input to the model is a tensor of tokens.
        vocab_size (int): vocab size. Defaults to vocab_size.
        n_classes (int): how many classes on output. Defaults to 10.
        d_model (int): depth of embedding. Defaults to 512.
        d_ff (int): depth of feed-forward layer. Defaults to 2048.
        n_layers (int): number of encoder/decoder layers. Defaults to 6.
        n_heads (int): number of attention heads. Defaults to 8.
        dropout (float): dropout rate (how much to drop out). Defaults to 0.1.
        dropout_shared_axes (int): axes on which to share dropout mask. Defaults to None.
        max_len (int): maximum symbol length for positional encoding. Defaults to 2048.
        mode (str): 'train' or 'eval'. Defaults to 'train'.
        ff_activation (function): the non-linearity in feed-forward layer. Defaults to tl.Relu.
        EncoderBlock (function): Returns the encoder block. Defaults to EncoderBlock.
        trax.layers.combinators.Serial: A Transformer model as a layer that maps
        from a tensor of tokens to activations over a set of output classes.
    positional_encoder = [
        tl.Embedding(vocab_size, d_model),
        tl.Dropout(rate=dropout, shared_axes=dropout_shared_axes, mode=mode),
    # We use the function `EncoderBlock` (implemented above) and pass in the parameters over `n_layers`
    encoder_blocks = [EncoderBlock(d_model, d_ff, n_heads, dropout, dropout_shared_axes,
                  mode, ff_activation, FeedForwardBlock=FeedForwardBlock) for _ in range(n_layers)]

    # Assemble and return the model.
    return tl.Serial(
        # Encode
            # Use `positional_encoder`
            # Use trax padding mask
        # Use `encoder_blocks`
        # Use select layer
        tl.Select([0], n_in=2),
        # Use trax layer normalization
        # Map to output categories.
        # Use trax mean. set axis to 1
        # Use trax Dense using `n_classes`
        # Use trax log softmax

    ### END CODE HERE ###
# See the structure of our model
# Only 1 layer is used to keep the output readable
    [Embedding_32000_512, Dropout, PositionalEncoding]

6 Acknowledgements

I’d like to express my thanks to the great Natural Language Processing with Attention Models Course which i completed, and acknowledge the use of some images and other materials from the course in this article.
